Kerikeri Retirement Village removed all visitor access to its Care Facility from 12 noon on August 12 in response to guidance from the Director-General of Health and the New Zealand Aged Care Association.
There will be no visitors to the Care Facility, and external activities will be curtailed, as will all activities that bring people into the Village area.
Care Facility lock-down
- Friends and Family access suspended
- Village resident access suspended
- Private healthcare and support service staff access suspended
- Village Support staff access to the Care Facility suspended
Services and programmes suspended
- Podiatry
- Day Care programme
- Wellness Activities; eg, Yogalates
Services and Facilities closed
- Social Centre closed
- Chapel Services suspended
- External meetings in Social Centre and HH Murray room suspended
- Hairdresser closed
The Village cannot allow ‘window visiting’. This is in an effort to keep the general flow of people in and out of its premises as low as possible. People congregating around the Village increases the likelihood of cross-contamination, a risk the Village aims to minimise.
Advice received today from the New Zealand Aged Care Association is that all Care Facilities in New Zealand should remain closed until the government changes or extends current Health Alert Levels in New Zealand. At this stage we are expecting the next official announcement on this matter late on Friday 21 August.
We will keep our residents and their families fully updated following any further developments and aim to lift the lock-down the very moment we feel we can do so safely. At this stage, and unless we are advised otherwise, that will not be until Monday 24 August.
The Isolation Plan affects our Independent Living residents only in so far as they do not have visiting access to the Care Facility, and restricted from using Village services and facilities, as outlined above. In all other respects our Independent Living residents are able to live their lives as if they lived anywhere else in town.
Our Care Facility is deemed an Essential Service. We are asking all staff to continue coming to work if they are healthy. We are investigating ways to help with childcare.
If staff are unwell with flu-like symptoms, we will be asking those staff members to get tested and not to come to work until they receive a negative test.
We are acutely aware of the impact, stresses and strains these measures will place on friends and family. We will bear this in mind with every decision we are forced to take. We ask for peoples’ patience and trust as we manage our way through these difficult times again for the benefit of our Village community; our residents and our staff alike.