Kerikeri Village

Men’s Night, a group of lads who connect and meet socially every month.

Garry is a Village resident and a regular at Men’s Night, a group of lads who connect and meet socially every month.

The Men’s Night came about because the ladies had their special night and the men decided it seemed like a great idea and caught up. The men meet at the Pavilion Lounge or, if the weather is good, on the Village Green. The group is organised by residents, for residents. We asked Garry what the group means to him.

“Mike, our fellow resident is really to thank for getting it off the ground – he’s such a leader and a worker, he really gets things going.

“If the weather is fair and we set up outside I’ll go along with my leaf blower and help set up the space.

“We take along our beers, wines and snacks and it’s simply a chance to talk a load of nonsense. There’s nothing else going on so we can really relax into it, chatting takes longer than you realise!

“While we chat we come up with other ideas of things we would like to do together. We have found this brilliant darts set-up in the Social Centre and although we don’t know much about darts, it seems like a shame not to make the most of it, so now we are planning on tagging a darts session onto the beginning of Men’s Night, and bowling too.

“When my wife Maureen and I first moved in about five years ago we had lots of different stuff going on, we weren’t at the Village very much because we traveled a lot and Village life felt quite strange to me. Men’s group has really helped me to connect with likeminded people and settle in.”

Anyone keen to join Men’s Night can find out the details from the monthly events listing.
